Does Canyon Consulting sell or resell any products or have any relationships with any publishers?
No. We are solely a consulting company.
Can you assist at any point in the licensing process?
Yes, we can work on any aspect of licensing in any part of the process. Examples range from data collection, normalization, and deployment to identifying gaps as well as opportunities for cost savings.
Would you be willing to work with my team to assess our licensing positions, and if required, become a part of that team in an audit?
Yes. We have experience across all aspects of licensing and have a strong track record of working well in collaboration with corporate teams.
How do you charge for your work?
Generally, contracts are based on the number of hours required, but we are flexible in how we structure our agreements.
Are you secure with the data collection and especially with the findings?
Yes. We are very careful to maintain confidentiality with our clients across all touchpoints.
Do you need to be on-site or can this work be done remotely?
We respond to the preferences of our clients. Prior to and during the pandemic, we have worked well with clients remotely; however, we are available for on-site work, as required or desired by the client.
What tools or processes do you use to achieve your results?
Canyon has proprietary tools and processes we use in our backend to automate some of our data analysis; however, these processes do not require any tools to be installed or executed on-site at customer locations. In addition to working with ILMT, we also use customer tools such as SCCM, CASE, Service Now, SNOW, Aspera, Flexera or any other tools already deployed by your company. With some products, specific screen shots or use of commands are necessary to achieve results. We also rely on published license documentation from IBM and HCL in our work.
If additional licenses are required to be purchased due to a licensing gap, can you sell them?
No. Canyon Consulting does not sell any software. If additional licenses are needed, we often recommend that you purchase through your trusted Partner or directly from IBM. Canyon makes recommendations on the optimal timing for license purchases.
Can you help with renewals and pursue licensing cost savings?
Yes, one of the benefits of knowing one’s licensing position is the ability to save costs for unused or underutilized licenses, or to realize savings from activities such as changing metrics based on current and predicted deployment. This can be a specific scope of work or is often a natural by-product of a pre-audit licensing review or health-check.
Can Canyon Consulting support my ILMT/BigFix install?
Yes. We can install ILMT and support the ILMT infrastructure across your IBM Enterprise for all supported platforms, i.e., Windows, AIX, Sun Solaris. We keep ILMT running efficiently by correcting Agent errors, applying fixes, managing upgrades etc.
Can Canyon Consulting remotely monitor our ILMT and our licensing positions on an on-going basis?
Yes. We manage many customers' ILMT infrastructure and can keep you in license compliance by working with you remotely through fixed management contracts.
Can Canyon Consulting help with licensing across all of our deployments, i.e. on-premise, hosted, private and public clouds, and with all licensing models such as perpetual licensing, temporary licensing, hybrid, and SaaS licensing?
Yes. In today’s environment, it is important to keep track of licensing across all deployments and for all license types.
How do we reach you to get started?
Call 914.941.1017 or use our contact form.